Revitalize Your Resolutions: A February Fitness Boost

As we step into February the initial excitement of New Year’s resolutions fades, but it’s never too late to reignite that spark and continue working towards a healthier, fitter you.

Here are our tips for making sure you’re dedicated and committed to your goals, not just motivated to achieve them (there is a difference!):

  1.  Reflect on Your Goals: Take a moment to reflect on your resolutions and remind yourself why you set them in the first place. Consider the positive changes they will bring to your life.
  2.  Adjust and Reframe: If you find that your initial resolutions were too ambitious or unrealistic, consider adjusting them to be more attainable. Break the larger goal down into smaller, manageable steps.
  3. Create a Plan: Outline specific, actionable steps to achieve your resolutions. A well-defined plan makes it easier to stay on track and measure your progress.
  4. Prioritize: Focus on the most important steps and prioritize them. Trying to tackle too many goals at once can be overwhelming and decrease your chances of success.  This is also why a plan of smaller, achievable goals helps – you won’t be overwhelmed by the end goal, but can slowly chip away at the pieces you can do today.
  5. Track Your Progress: It’s easy to feel like the end goal is an eternity away. Keep a journal or use an app to track your progress so you can celebrate small victories along the way.
  6. Stay Positive: Remember that nothing worth having comes easy, so this journey was meant to be hard.  Focus on the positive aspects and when you encounter setbacks, view them as learning opportunities rather than reasons to give up.
  7. Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that progress may not always be linear, and there will be ups and downs. Any progress is good progress so be patient with yourself and adjust your expectations accordingly.
  8. Reevaluate and Adjust: Periodically reassess your resolutions. If you find that your priorities or circumstances have changed, be willing to adjust your goals accordingly.
  9. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself if you face challenges. Acknowledge that setbacks are a natural part of any journey, and use them as opportunities for growth.
  10. Motivation is not Commitment: Often people claim they are no longer “motivated” to keep moving towards their goal.  Motivation is what starts the momentum in January, but you need dedication and commitment to keep it going when motivation is not there.  No-one is motivated 100% of the time, so a commitment mindset is what will keep you moving forward when you really don’t feel like it.

Remember, the key is persistence and a willingness to adapt, and for any of your fitness related goals the Karv team is here to help.  We can work with you to create a plan and keep you accountable to ensure you hit your goals.

By incorporating these tips, you can increase your chances of successfully carrying on with your New Year’s resolutions throughout February and beyond.

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